
Thursday, 12 December 2019

Coopers Beach 2019

Last week we went to camp at Cooper's Beach. We went to some rock pools, we did the Confidence Course, we went fishing and we went on this big water slide. I enjoyed it. 

We made a collage of a sea creature for art.

Friday, 22 November 2019

Term 4 Basic facts

We have been working on answering basic facts questions quickly and instantly.
I should be working on Stage 5. 

I am at Stage 4. I got 44 out of 60.

Friday, 8 November 2019

Vaseline saucers

Today is pet day. We made vaseline saucers using flower petals. Here is my one.

Pet day poem

Today is pet day I made a pet day poem.Here it is.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Greats and grands

Last Friday we had our Grates and grands Day. My Nan  Del and papa Len came along.We did performances and dancing. We had a delicious morning tea and play games. Here is my poem I write for my grandparent.

Sunday, 6 October 2019

spring holiday challenge

This holidays I did a spring blog it was about looking after an egg. 

Friday, 27 September 2019

springs holidays

Hi today I Wanted to stay up all night so I did. First I played on my chrome book first I watch YouTube it was so fun. Here is a  google draw of me staying up and what I did.


At the end of the term we did our handwriting sample. We had our capital and lower case letters and write a sentence about our science fair. What I liked about my handwriting is that it was set out correctly. What I could do better is make it a bit more tidy.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Garden to table

Today we weeded and planted. We planted egg plant, snow peas, pumpkin, basil and parsley. At the end we had a big picnic. There were quiche, kebabs, fitters and coleslaw. My favourite was the fritters and the kebabs. After that we cleaned up all the plates and all the spoons, forks and knives. Here are some photos of us in the garden.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Science writing

Yesterday we had our school science Fair. My science investigation was about force and flight.

Monday, 26 August 2019

Koru Art

We made Koru art with Whaea Rose by cutting, drawing and stamping our koru onto a piece of paper.  My Koru represents my my family.
I really like the colour I used on my koru art.

 here is a photo of me and my koru.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Popcorn Maths

Speach writing

For the last two weeks we have been working on with writing speachs. My topic was Why is pollution bad. We had to present them in front of our class. I think I need to work on saying it even nicer.              Here is my speech.    

Why is pollution bad?Have you ever seen rubbish and picked it up. Pollution is bad because it can kill animals and it can make the river dirty and yuck. The rubbish in the river can go all the way out to sea and then the sea animals eat the rubbish. I think we need to stop polluting now and here is why.

Firstly, pollution is bad for our environment. It can hurt the sea animals like turtles. The turtles are mistaking the plastic as food and eating it. Plastic bags can kill turtles. Plastic can also kill other sea animals. Secondly pollution is not good because people always clean the shore and then people litter again. The wind blows it and it goes into the sea and the animals eats it. The wind also blows it away into a forest where animals mistake it as food.
Finally rubbish gets caught in the wind and the wind blows it into a river or a creek. It makes it all yucky and dirty. There also could be eels or other types of fish in there and the can die because the eat it.
That is why I think that pollution is bad for the enviroment. People need to stop dropping their rubbish as it is killing our animals. So come on people stop polluting!!

Friday, 5 July 2019

Maths book

For Maths this week we read a book called 1 is a snail and 10 is a crab. We then worked in groups of 3 to create our own version. My book is called 1 is a slug, 10 is a caterpillar. Here is my groups book, I hope you like it.

Friday, 14 June 2019


We have been learning to talk to each other in Maori. Here is a Screencastify of Kaira and I using Te Reo to talk with each other.

Tuesday, 11 June 2019

sienna's song

Handwriting Term 2

Here is my handwriting sample for term 2.
I am good at keeping my letters the right height and I am good at forming my letters correctly.
I need to work on: Making my letters sit on the line.

Friday, 24 May 2019

Space writing

This week we have been doing space writing. Here is a piece of my writing.

Space writing

This week we have been writing about space. Here is a piece of my writing.

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Sienna's silly face

hectors world

Here is my work of hectors world.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Anzac poem poppy plant

we lisitened to the poem and then we made some poems about Anzac day. Here is my Anzac poem.

Anzac button

We have been making some Anzac poems and Anzac buttons I did both of them. Here is my Anzac button.

Friday, 19 April 2019

maths rocks

Sienna's goals

Friday, 12 April 2019


Here is a google drawing of my Pepeha


Friday, 22 March 2019


For maths we have been working in mixed ability groups to solve problems. The focus has been solving word problems using place value. We have to select the correct the correct strategy to solve the problem. I have chosen two problems to show you how I work them out. 
I find addition problems easier to solve.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Self Portrait Art

We have been learning how to sketch our facial features.
We needed to put them in the right place on our face.
For our background we typed our full name and learned to copy and
paste down the page.