
Friday, 23 November 2018

Vaseline saucers

A few weeks ago we made some Vaseline saucers.
We used  lost's of flowers.
My frovort flowers were the red ross and the  sun flowers.
I loved my vaseline saucers.
I am good at keeping it klien.
Also we made a drewing of a vaseline  saucers.We used warm
sharpes.we where making them for pet day.I saw all sorts of pet but not cows or dogs.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Term 4 art

This term we have completed two pieces of art.

One was inspired by an artist named Kadinsky who used coloured circles in his work. We looked at the contrast between warm and cool colours and the black and white of the buildings.

Our second piece was using the Maori words we have learnt and using these to create a visual picture. The words become the shape of the picture.

Some things I did well were the straight lines on my buildings.

Some things I could improve on are keeping my work neat and tidy.