
Friday, 7 December 2018

screen casterfi

we have been doing screen screen castfi of our reading to show our perints how good we are at reading
I am good
at saewndeing out the words
I need to work on rading every nigth
here is a video of me reading.

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Pirate code

 We have been learning about how to crack the code first  we make or own the we made some actions for them here is mine:

Monday, 3 December 2018

Telling the time

We have been learning to tell the time. Here is my work

Friday, 23 November 2018

Vaseline saucers

A few weeks ago we made some Vaseline saucers.
We used  lost's of flowers.
My frovort flowers were the red ross and the  sun flowers.
I loved my vaseline saucers.
I am good at keeping it klien.
Also we made a drewing of a vaseline  saucers.We used warm
sharpes.we where making them for pet day.I saw all sorts of pet but not cows or dogs.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Term 4 art

This term we have completed two pieces of art.

One was inspired by an artist named Kadinsky who used coloured circles in his work. We looked at the contrast between warm and cool colours and the black and white of the buildings.

Our second piece was using the Maori words we have learnt and using these to create a visual picture. The words become the shape of the picture.

Some things I did well were the straight lines on my buildings.

Some things I could improve on are keeping my work neat and tidy.

Friday, 26 October 2018

Greats and grands day

Last week we had our Greats and Grands day. We wrote poems for our grandparents.
Here is my poem about why my grandparents are so special.

Here is a photo of us on Greats and Grands Day.

Friday, 28 September 2018


We have been learning about Rainbow arms to solve addition problems. Here is a video of me solving a problem using rainbow arms.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Maths,basic fascts

                        Basic fascts
      I have been trying  to get to stage 5.
I am working on some take away's  and some 5 times table's. 
 I know tack away's and daboles to 20.I practs times tables on protjitec when it maths time.I paratise every nigth with my  mum.By: Sienna 

Friday, 21 September 2018

Kapa Haka

                                                      Kapa haka
Every thursday we practice kapa haka with Matua Dwayne mis Clarke and Matua Ken.I feel exited and happy when we go.
                       Toia mai  Te pou Taiamai e Rerenga wairua 
                       Ka kata nga Puririo Taiamai Nga puawai o Ngapuhi.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Save the world thing link

 We have been learning about thing link and how to use
it. This is what I know about helping to save the world 
from pollution and how to stop pollution in this world.

Kauri Tree Art

First what I did was make the bright blue background.
Then I drew the clouds & green pieces of paper for the leaves.
Next we cut out tall trunks for the brown tree.
I glued them on the blue paper and then I started to rip the green leaves and glued them on top of the tree. 
Finally I wrote slogans and glued them on my finished Kauri tree. 
Last I posted it on my blog.
Love by Sienna

Friday, 6 July 2018


We are learning about Fractions and I made a google draw to show what I have learnt

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Monday, 18 June 2018

Garden to Table

We go to Garden to Table each week and learn how to cook and we go to the garden and we do
weeding and planting.
I am good at cooking in the kitchen.

I need to get better at pulling out the weeds.
Add caption

Monday, 11 June 2018

Basic Facts Term 2

We have been working on answering basic facts questions quickly and instantly.

I am at Stage 2-3.

I need to remember to fill in the middle box correctly.


We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.
I am good at capital letters .
I need to get better at keeping my letters nice and tidy .

Friday, 8 June 2018


We have been learning to play golf
I liked being a star

I am good at getting in the finals.

I need to work on getting it further then anyone else.

Animal Town

This week we have used another picture as motivation for our writing. We had a story starter and then
we had to carry on the story.
What I like about my writing is that I used some good adjectives.
I need to improve on capitals, full stops and spelling.

Here is my writing about Animal Town.

Animal Town  
Wahoo! yay! The cheeky giraffe is going to
crash into the zebra. Am I just imaging this.
Wow !  I can see a blue, green and orange
parrot. I can see a black and white Zebra on
the animal road. When I got there I could see a
giraffe poking his head out of the yellow van.
When I got there I could see a fluffy lion on the

roof of the yellow van. The lion is on the roof
lying in the sun. When the lion got off the roof it
started to run and catch a mouse.Cruz and
Piata  will be coming with me to see the
animals. We will have so so so so so much
fun together.

Hot Air Balloon

This week we have used a picture as motivation for our writing. We had a story starter and then we
had to carry on the story. What I like about my writing is that I have good ideas.

I need to improve on adding better adjectives and making sure I use fullstops and capital letters.

Hot air balloon

My hot  air balloon is red and white.
If I win I want to go to New York . I will need a sleeping bag,
some apples, a pack of oranges,clothes,some chips  and lots and lots
of water. When the hot air balloon landed I felt so so so so so so
excited because I could see a pretty house that comes with a
swimming pool. I won the race so I went and bought the house
I first saw.When I got to my new house it was lovely there. Jayme,
Cruz  and Kaira will be staying with me. I can’t wait .

Friday, 25 May 2018

The Pou

As part of our writing programme we have been doing environmental writing. We had to sketch an object and as we were sketching we wrote down thoughts that we had. Then we wrote our thoughts down  as a poem. We cut out the sketch and added this to our writing.

Friday, 11 May 2018

Mother Day

This week in Writing we wrote about how special our mums are. Here is my published writing about my wonderful mum. Happy Mother’s Day!

Wednesday, 11 April 2018


We have been learning to form our letters correctly and to use capital letters in the correct place.I am good at making capital letters .I need to get better at writing neater and keeping the letters on the line.

Thursday, 29 March 2018


We have been working on using different art techniques to draw our faces. We have used sketching
pencils to sketch our faces, making sure we made our facial features an accurate shape, size and
putting them in the correct places.

We learnt about Picasso’s style and made our own funky Picasso portraits.


We have been working towards becoming a confident swimmer by learning how to be a safe swimmer. We learnt that we should always swim with an adult and to always wear a life jacket when we are on a boat. At our swimming lessons we have learnt how to float, kick, glide and use rainbow arms and we are still learning to breathe correctly.  

Friday, 16 March 2018

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga

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